Haven Holiday Protection
Haven Holiday Protection (HHP) ensures that your holiday is financially protected in case you need to cancel your break.
Haven Holiday Protection (HHP) covers:
Jury service
It's available to purchase within 48 hours of when you made your booking and can be booked directly with us or via your booking agent and specific prices based on the duration of your holiday can be found below:
The price payable for Haven Holiday Protection may vary depending on your chosen park location and date of your holiday.
Terms and Conditions
When you're looking forward to a holiday, it can be disappointing to have to cancel because something has happened. That's why we offer Haven Holiday Protection. Knowing that your holiday is financially protected should you fall ill or lose your job is reassuring, and Haven Holiday Protection allows cancellation due to: (i) redundancy; (ii) sickness; (iii) jury service; or (iv) death. Haven Holiday Protection is only available within 48 hours of your time of booking and can be booked directly with us either online or via our contact centre.
Cancelling your booking if you have Haven Holiday Protection
We always hope that you don't need to cancel your holiday booking but, if you do, please follow the below steps.
1. Call us as soon as you can or, if you booked through a booking agent, please call your agent.
2. We will then cancel your holiday. If you require a refund, then we may ask you to send written proof of why you need to cancel such as a doctor's certification or court notification. If so, please send a scan or photocopy of the evidence to Contact Form within 48 hours of our request and prior to your holiday start date.
3. If we've requested written proof of why you need to cancel, then please wait to hear from us regarding any refund due - and the amount (which may be reduced by bank charges).
4. Wait for us to pay your refund (which may take up to 35 days). Cancellation charges are calculated from the date we receive your instructions.
Sickness, redundancy, jury service or bereavement
Here's what you get back based on the time period before your holiday if you have Haven Holiday Protection and you are cancelling for sickness, redundancy, jury service or bereavement:
2 days (48 hours) or more - full refund
2 days (47 hours, 59 minutes) or less - 30% refund of your total holiday cost
Any other reason
Here's what you get back based on the time period before your holiday if you are cancelling for any other reason:
70 days or more - Full refund minus any deposit paid, and any amount paid for Haven Holiday Protection
69-43 days - 70% refund, minus any deposit paid, and any amount paid for Haven Holiday Protection
42-29 days - 50% refund, minus any deposit paid, and any amount paid for Haven Holiday Protection
28-8 days - 10% refund, minus any deposit paid, and any amount paid for Haven Holiday Protection
7 days or less - No refund
You'll find full details about Haven Holiday Protection, changing or cancelling your plans, along with other essential information in our website terms and conditions.
Ready to book your holiday?